Our books are Pictonovels® - cinemagraphic short stories. A hybrid between a picture book, a graphic novel, and a screenplay. They are fun and fast reads for ages 18 and up.


We build worlds with words.

Our books are PictoNovels® - cinemagraphic short stories covering a wide range of genres and subcultures with a gritty neo realism and gripping 90's era narratives for adult readers.

Kowalski PI

Only likeable from his pet rat.

Magic Dollar

Dumb kids, even dumber crime.

Hella Rotten

Who makes this shit?

Dark Strains

Canna horror Anthology


Some more pulp noir bukllshit.

  • Infographic data about books and readers. Or our solves.

  • Infographic data about physical things analog, nostalgia.

  • Our novelty points - themes, style, market.

Something about analog and digital. About physical things and liminal spaces of nostalgia.

Something about analog and digital. About physical spaces and things.

"Gritty noir adult themes laced with comedic neo realism and doused heavily with pulp drama and wild action is my shit - and I'll put my good name on that!"

- Alan Smithee

"The entire premise of the lore aspect of Architxt "history" is preposterous. There would be much more evidence of this so-called secret art society."

- Motion Picture Academy

"I hate reading but I like these books. Kicking myself RN that I didn't think of these genres TBH. The images are all sick AF and the writing is so on point!"

- William Shakespeare

Welcome to our cultural art space. Explore our virtual photo exhibits in The Gallery. Watch experimental art films in The Theater. Experience AV LoFi mixtapes in The Loft and chill.

THE GALLERY. (Works on Desktop browsers only.)

Something about the Loft and Lofi.


Something about theater and films.


The Lore:

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It’s like a graphic novel but with photos and script style text dialogue instead of cartoon bubbles. It’s our solve for text that’s hard to follow and too small to read and also some of the disconnect people have with drawings.

To say audience attention spans wouldn’t be an honest answer - it’s our desire to explore more range through shorter stories before we dive deeper in long form.

We are currently not open for any commissioned work until Spring 2024.

We create many short form IPs with the hopes of licensing the to people with the means to do features.

No only backwards. It doesn’t predict it just shows us real things from the past. Think of it as a quantum version of the internet "wayback machine."

We are following the system set forth by those before us - the Architxt founders and the 9 Principles.

No not yet - but we as storytellers use words to create worlds. But in our case we also do it quite literally when we use words to bring back images with the IDT2 machine. That's also the reason they used the name ARCHITXT - the "text" being the words used to build images.

Our books are in early release Beta phase so they are only available from this site until further notice.

These email lists are so annoying..

But you will get discount codes and first looks at new drops..